Wednesday, December 25, 2019
U.s. A Multicultural Country - 1045 Words
In terms of diversity, the U.S. contains a lot of history, which makes them what they are now. Both the U.S. as well as Latin America were colonies, achieved independence movements and were directly influenced by countries like Spain and France. The difference relies that in the U.S., these European countries remained for a longer period of time, making the U.S. a multicultural country. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Queens, a major area of New York City is considered to be â€Å"the most diverse place on the planet†(Colangelo). There is also the Diversity Visa Program, in which the U.S. randomly allocates 55,000 visas around the world. In this program, people from six geographic regions can register for the lottery and there†¦show more content†¦There are mostly no prejudices against religion and skin color, most of the Latin people gather together and find ways to support each other, no matter where they are, they like to keep in touch and help th e ones with less experience. Overall this supportive characteristic of Latin people should be applied to the U.S. culture in order to create a more unified country and improve the way their society develops. This could help stop riots, mass shootings and violence acts towards people from different religion which has been increasing in the U.S. in the last 5 years. The sentiment of integration and inclusion is something the U.S. hasn’t developed yet. In the case of Latin culture, whenever they feel they are not being respected and that their differences are not taken into consideration, their sentiment of integration towards the American culture decreases and there is when riots and protests trigger. But on the other side, when these people are taking into account as part of the U.S. many things including economy, safety and legal issues have positive effects. Although, at some point people from Latin America are running away from their country because of political and economi c problems, there should be agreements, which are the reforms in the immigration policies in order to stop this cycle and create better andShow MoreRelatedAssignment 2 : A Multicultural Society807 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment 2: The Application Paper Keitha Williams October 18, 2017 Argosy University Assignment 2: The Application Paper A multicultural society is where a diverse group of races, cultures, and different ethical background coexist together in a country, state, city, community or neighborhoods. Basically, a ground of people from different backgrounds living together in the same community. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Federalism Federal Government of the United States and...
08 Federalism Federalism in Action Part One: The Storm The Storm: Chaos and Tragedy: Answer the following questions as you view the PBS video excerpt Chaos and Tragedy. 1. According to Frontline, what problems were caused by the following groups: o The Local and state officials? The inability to enforce laws from the federal level uniformly throughout counties o The U.S. military? Suffered problems because they had no previous experience on these situations of emergencies o FEMA? Had many issues because of no previous experience o The Government? Didn’t make it a priority right away 2. Why was the Louisiana National Guard unable to help? The headquarters were flooded also by Katrina 3. Why were rescue efforts hampered in†¦show more content†¦Before conducting your interview, please view the slide presentation of Guide to Conducting an Interview for helpful tips and guidelines. Consider the following questions for your interview: o What natural disasters are most likely to occur in your community? o What is the specific role of your agency in a disaster? o What is your personal responsibility in the event of a natural disaster? o What are the current emergency plans for the community? o Was the plan updated since Hurricane Katrina? And if so, how? If not, do you feel they should be? Why or why not? o What role do local, state, and federal governments have in the plan? o What can I or my family do to be better prepared for an emergency? What should we do during an emergency? Place your interview write up here: Option 2: Interview a friend or family member who has experienced a natural disaster. Before conducting your interview, please view the slide presentation of Guide to Conducting an Interview for helpful tips and guidelines. Consider the following questions for your interview and include at least two additional questions of your own: o What type of disaster did you experience? o When and where did this disaster occur? o What did you do to prepare for the disaster? o What steps did you take during the disaster to protect yourself or your home? o What was the experience like after the disaster? oShow MoreRelatedThe Federal Policy On Disaster Relief And Emergency Assistance Act1079 Words  | 5 PagesOne topic that is in the cross fire on debates all the time is the federal policy on disaster relief, and disaster preparedness. The federal government has programs put into place to help the victims of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and tornados. Some of these disaster relief programs are The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (the Stafford Act), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and The Red Cross. These programs have many policies in place, but some feelRead MoreThe And Power Of The Constitution And The Idea Of Federalism1104 Words  | 5 Pagesand the idea of Federalism. This debate is very much present in our modern day world and it presents challenges of its own. Some of these said challenges in the American federalist society include the breakdowns in communication, the extents, and limits of government vs state power and the shared powers of said parties. To begin we must address the issue of the communication breakdown in the United States. The best example I can give is the hurricane, Katrina. During this disaster, the appalling lackRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Federalism, Unitary And Confederal Systems1310 Words  | 6 PagesNational Government Fall 2017 Instructor: Douglas Rivero Analyze the pros and cons of federalism, unitary and confederal systems. 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The weaknesses of American Federalism has never been as glaringly obvious as it was in the response by state, local and federal governments to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Failures by multiple elected officials and government agencies exacerbated an already dire situation byRead MoreMultiple Governments and Intergovernmental Relationships1454 Words  | 6 PagesMultiple Governments and Intergovernmental Relationships LaShon Thomas POL 215 September 18, 2014 Dr. David Waldman Multiple Governments and Intergovernmental Relationships The founding fathers created the constitution, outlaying the branches of government and clarifying their roles and responsibilities, providing a checks and balances system. It is comprised of three branches, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each state, city and county has its own
Monday, December 9, 2019
Introduction to Popular
Question: Give a bref Introduction to Popular Culture. Answer: Domitnics An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture is an essential book for everyone interested in learning about the popular culture." The author argues that personal identity culminates in other peoples' thoughts and actions that guide their own ideas and behavior. The societal norms regulate peoples behavior and make them individuals. Domitnic states that people interact with popular culture phenomenon through influence and interaction. Access to popular culture has been revolutionized by technology such as reality TV shows and the use of smartphones to interact with the social media platforms by people. The author notes that the interactions of people from diverse cultures equip them with new culture ideas that help in defining our humanity. The ability to network and form friendship with people of different cultures depicts the importance of humanity. Interaction with popular culture enables people to share their story, narrate their culture and their aspirations; narratin g our own lives boosts our confidence and value for beliefs and norms from our cultural backgrounds. Domitnic highlights that personal life narratives are told over reality TVs and other social media mediums. This affects how people understand popular culture positively and enables them to actively engage with it. In conclusion, popular culture plays important roles in building the societys identity. Reference Domitnic, S. (2004). An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0415235006, 9780415235006. pp 1-286.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
LinkedIn as a Networking Media for Business
Social networking sites have become very common on the World Wide Web today (Gowel, 2011). The users of these sites are able to create individual and corporate profiles in order to search for friends, colleagues and professional assistance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on LinkedIn as a Networking Media for Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The users can be able to link up with other individuals from all walks of life within or outside their organizations. Users convey both public and private messages to many people and end up expanding their network while bringing on board a vast array of colleagues and individuals (Gowel, 2011). Unlike social websites such as Face-book, Twitter and others, which are utilized by users of all ages for socialization or common interest, LinkedIn is quite a different site, because it is mainly used in professional networking (Gowel, 2011). At the moment about forty five milli on individual professionals are using the site to share ideas, information, job opportunities and innovations (Gowel, 2011). When a user creates an account with LinkedIn, they are able to search for contacts and link up to networks, such as the â€Å"I-O practitioners†and the â€Å"SIOP network†(Gowel, 2011). LinkedIn which is a giant network has a specific objective of linking up professionals toward networking and provides options which allow them to add information to their individual and corporate profile. The information added includes, work history, specific interest and references (Gowel, 2011). The network also allows the users to get in touch and get updated with any new interesting professional information (Gowel, 2011).Advertising Looking for essay on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More LinkedIn is years ahead of the other professional social networks which are being utilized by p rofessionals who use it to achieve their goals (Muccio, Burns Murrah, 2009). Although LinkedIn’s most valuable technical features have not materially changed since it was officially launching in the year 2003, the tangible value that the platform now provides wasn’t accessible until recently. This core, valuable functionality has the potential of changing the way organizations and individuals plan and manage their institutional and professional growth (Gowel, 2011). The site for instance, can be used to grow an organization’s employees through direct consultation and training using its platform. LinkedIn can be used to enhance revenue generation, build market share, attract investor confidence and improve employee hiring process (Gowel, 2011). Through the use of LinkedIn professionals can refine their expertise get informed on the best industrial practices in order to be empowered on how to take up bigger opportunities. It can also be used to effectively train more people to assist them to comfortably take up new skilled jobs (Gowel, 2011). It can be used to amplify the actions which are being performed at an organization by instilling new ideas and information about the best practices of handling a given management operational function of an organization (Gowel, 2011). In comparison to other social networks, LinkedIn gives a vast array of products for free and it is the best way to generate ‘leads’ and gain key ‘introductions’ for most businesses (Gowel, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on LinkedIn as a Networking Media for Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More LinkedIn allows an individual to enhance the value of his or her own relationship and work towards the growth of a personal brand (Gowel, 2011). It is a powerful platform for use by the hardworking, value-producing and ethical individuals who are not getting much out of their networks as they think they deserve to (Gowel, 2011). Such an individual always thinks that, â€Å"If people knew me and the exceptional work I am doing, I would achieve my business goals much faster.†On the other hand, if your efforts or brands have not positively impacted anybody else, LinkedIn will make your market penetration to increase (Gowel, 2011). Most features on LinkedIn are similar to those on other socials networks such as face-book. On LinkedIn, a user can list his events and invite ‘contacts’ to join the site. The site can calculate the number of people in a single individual’s profile, which then gives us an idea of how vast access LinkedIn exposes individual to (Gowel, 2011). That is to imply that, when you add one person to your network, you are also connected to their network as well, which makes LinkedIn a very powerful networking platform (Port, 2010). Another distinct feature of LinkedIn is that the site gives the user recommendation s. A user is able to give and receive written recommendations from colleagues (Port, 2010). For instance, a user may ask a former employer or co-worker to write a brief recommendation for him by sending him a link (Port, 2010). The site also allows the user to create a separate profile for their company or business, which can help to market its brands (Port, 2010). LinkedIn offers a unique feature called ‘the degree of connection’ which enables users to have ‘added individuals’ to be listed either as first, second, or third degree (Port, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More LinkedIn applications functions just like on face-book. You can link to your blog and import your blog postings (Port, 2010). You can also link your twitter account so that your information shows up on LinkedIn profile (Port, 2010). When doing a search for individuals and companies on the site you can import your contacts from popular emails programs and link them to LinkedIn (Port, 2010). You can also create groups in LinkedIn focused on a hobby, or more likely, a topic to your business (Port, 2010). In conclusion it can be noted that, LinkedIn is a networking media for business professionals. It is a tool to use in a business, career management, education, social endeavors and probably a whole lot more functions. When you are in business, you can turn the ‘contacts’ on LinkedIn to clients. This therefore indicates that, LinkedIn is a modern information communication technology platform which can be harnessed by businesses to drive the global economy to greater heights . References Gowel, D. (2011). The Power in a link: open doors, close deals, and change the way you do business using LinkedIn. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Muccio, C., Burns, D. and Murrah, P. (2009). 42 rules for 24-hour success on LinkedIn. Cupertino, California: Superstar Press. Port, M. (2010). Book Yourself Solid: the Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. This essay on LinkedIn as a Networking Media for Business was written and submitted by user Kara Stanton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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